Бедный Ано...

Мне его даже жалко
~What god is it you pray to, priest? You seem remarkably devout for a heathen surfacer.~ [lk#xul85] DO ~SetGlobal("LK#XulAnomen","GLOBAL",2)~
== BANOMEN ~Helm guides my path, drow. He is the god of vigilance, and his servants are always wary of falling into sin.~
== BLK#XUL ~Helm? I have never heard of such a god. And if there were, I'm sure he would be apalled by your lack of ambition for power.~
== BANOMEN ~Helm sees all, even in this wretched pool of corruption. But Helm's clergy do not use the power he grants us to serve our own ambition. We strive to end injustice, lest chaos persist unchecked, and all be thrown into shambles.~
== BLK#XUL ~So you keep the law on the Surfacer world? How amusing. The law here is simple and profound: do not trust, do not get caught, and do not cross House Despana. We do not require anyone to police our activities--any who step over the line are immediately killed.~
== BANOMEN ~So schemes and counterschemes flourish, and you never know which will be the poisoned cup? Bah! You trust too much, even by denying it. You must eat. You must drink. With no order, you cannot even be sure that the cup you raise to your lips is untainted.~
== BLK#XUL ~What need is there for trust when fear reigns? Lolth protects me from such underhanded acts, and I have developed many strategies. One such as you would not live beyond your first year of life here.~
== BANOMEN ~Should Helm protect me any less? Nay, drow, vigilance will serve better than fear.~
== BLK#XUL ~If that is what you believe, priest, then I shall not attempt to persuade you otherwise. But true obedience and freedom from violence do not come from talk.~
== BANOMEN ~True obedience and freedom from violence do *not* come from talk. They come from faith, and I choose to place mine in Helm.~
== BLK#XUL ~Then you are a blind man--but it is easier to stab a blind man in the dark, so I shall not argue with you further.~